SWTest Asia 2023 Attendee Survey

Thank you for participating in SWTest Asia 2023 and for taking the time to provide us with your feedback of the Conference & EXPO.  It’s important to us and we want to be sure we provide the best experience possible in 2024. As an extra incentive, all completed surveys received by November 17th will be entered into a drawing for a complimentary Full Conference Registration to SWTest Asia 2024 in Fukuoka, Japan.

Just submit your survey by November 17th and you’ll be entered to win!  We’ll announce the winner on November 20th.


    Company Name


    Did you find the Thursday Morning Keynote Address interesting and useful professionally?

    Did you find the Friday Morning Keynote Address interesting and useful professionally?

    The quality of the Technical Program and its usefulness professionally

    The Advanced Registration process for ease of use and efficiency

    The Mobile App for ease of use and usefulness throughout the conference

    The EXPO for providing a relaxed opportunity for valuable contact and networking with industry suppliers and colleagues

    The Networking and Social Events for enhancing your conference experience

    The Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel conference facility that enhanced your conference experience

    The Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel reservations and check-in process for ease of use, courtesy and efficiency.

    Overall, SWTest Asia 2023 for providing a valuable content and networking experience that will help you professionally.

    I plan to attend SWTest Asia 2024 in Fukuoka, Japan

    I plan to attend SWTest 2024 in San Diego

    Please provide any comment you feel would help us to improve upon the conference for future years, whether it’s the program, the hotel, the conference facility, the food & beverage, or your guest room.